Safari blocca completamente Imac

Mac OS X e le sue Applicazioni

Moderatore: ModiMaccanici

Stato: Non connesso
Apprendista Maccanico
Apprendista Maccanico
Iscritto il: lun, 06 feb 2017 22:20
Messaggi: 21


Ok ieri sera ho fatto tutto la procedura e ho salvato una copia del file originale e uno della copia

Il system.log gli ho dato un'occhiata e sembra che comunque fa sempre dei tentativi ciclici di richiesta che vengono stoppati dal <false>

stasera posto un pezzo del log.

- iMac - (mid 2010) 21,5" i3 3,06Ghz, 8Gb Ram  + iMac mid 2011 21,5" i5 2,5Ghz 16Gb Ram -
- MacBook Air 13,3" 1,8 Ghz i5 8Gb Ram Mavericks - iPad3 32Gb WiFi Black - iPad mini Retina 3G 32GB - AppleTV3 - AppleTV4 32 gb - iPod nano 8Gb RED - iPhone 6 64Gb

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Pro-Expert 
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Iscritto il: lun, 02 giu 2014 15:12
Messaggi: 30459
Località: Circondato dalle bufale


Non so che dire, perché non ho modo di testare.

Prova anche ad aggiungere alla manovra il comando che disabilita il lancio:

Codice: Seleziona tutto

launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/
Ovviamente a SIP disabilitato.
Ma non saprei dirti se riavviando viene annullato

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Stato: Non connesso
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Iscritto il: lun, 31 ago 2009 09:46
Messaggi: 959
Località: Sirmione BS


Ciao Faxus, dopo un paio di soliti freeze inaspettati e inspiegabili con schermo nero bloccato su iMac fine 2009 con montato Sierra, ho provato a fare la procedura descritta in questo post e da te consigliata.
L'uso di Google Crhome al posto di Safari ha ridotto moltissimo la frequenza di crash già discussa ampiamente in altra sede.
Rimane sempre incognito capire perchè una tantum il sistema si inchioda senza apparente motivo.
Posto un etrecheck che ti chiedo gentilmente di verificare, con comodo quando hai tempo, per vedere se è tutto in ordine.
Grazie milleme buona serata Macroby

Codice: Seleziona tutto

EtreCheck version: 3.1.5 (343)
Report generated 2017-03-15 17:52:14
Download EtreCheck from
Runtime 3:40
Performance: Good

Click the [Support] links for help with non-Apple products.
Click the [Details] links for more information about that line.

Problem: No problem - just checking

Hardware Information: ⓘ
    iMac (27-inch, Late 2009) 
    [Technical Specifications] - [User Guide] - [Warranty & Service]
    iMac - model: iMac10,1
    1 3,06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (Duo) CPU: 2-core
    12 GB RAM Upgradeable - [Instructions]
        BANK 0/DIMM0
            2 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
        BANK 1/DIMM0
            2 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
        BANK 0/DIMM1
            4 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
        BANK 1/DIMM1
            4 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
    Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported
    Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n

Video Information: ⓘ
    ATI Radeon HD 4670 - VRAM: 256 MB
        iMac 2560 x 1440

System Software: ⓘ
    macOS Sierra  10.12.3 (16D32) - Time since boot: less than an hour

Disk Information: ⓘ
    ST31000528ASQ disk1 : (1 TB) (Rotational)
    [Show SMART report]
        EFI (disk1s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB 
        Elena_Recover (disk1s2) /Volumes/Elena_Recover : 499.93 GB (253.01 GB free)
        Elena_Archivio (disk1s3) /Volumes/Elena_Archivio : 249.80 GB (236.22 GB free)
        Sierra_Elena_Interno (disk1s4) /Volumes/Sierra_Elena_Interno : 249.35 GB (173.73 GB free)
        Recovery HD (disk1s5) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB 

    Samsung SSD 850 EVO 250GB disk0 : (250,06 GB) (Solid State - TRIM: Yes)
    [Show SMART report]
        EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB 
        Sierra_Elena (disk0s2) /  [Startup]: 249.07 GB (160.18 GB free)
        Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB 

USB Information: ⓘ
    Apple Inc. Built-in iSight 
    Apple, Inc. Keyboard Hub 
        Apple Inc. Apple Keyboard 
    Apple Card Reader 
    Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver 
    Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub 
        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller 

Gatekeeper: ⓘ
    Mac App Store and identified developers

Unknown Files: ⓘ
    One unknown file found. [Check files]

Kernel Extensions: ⓘ
        /Volumes/Sierra_Elena_Interno/Applications/Hands Off!.app
    [not loaded]    com.metakine.handsoff.driver (3.1.1 - SDK 10.9 - 2016-09-17) [Support]

    [not loaded]    com.micromat.driver.SPDKernel (1.0 - SDK 10.9 - 2016-10-21) [Support]

System Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [not loaded] (2017-03-15) [Support]
    [not loaded]    8 Apple tasks
    [loaded]    185 Apple tasks
    [running]    86 Apple tasks

System Launch Daemons: ⓘ
    [not loaded]    40 Apple tasks
    [loaded]    170 Apple tasks
    [running]    100 Apple tasks

Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [failed]    com.adobe.ARMDCHelper.cc24aef4a1b90ed56a725c38014c95072f92651fb65e1bf9c8e43c37a23d420d.plist (2017-01-16) [Support]
    [running]    com.bjango.istatmenusagent.plist (2016-10-21) [Support]
    [running]    com.bjango.istatmenusnotifications.plist (2016-10-21) [Support]
    [running]    com.bjango.istatmenusstatus.plist (2016-10-21) [Support]

Launch Daemons: ⓘ
    [loaded]    com.adobe.ARMDC.Communicator.plist (2017-01-16) [Support]
    [loaded]    com.adobe.ARMDC.SMJobBlessHelper.plist (2017-01-16) [Support]
    [loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist (2016-09-24) [Support]
    [loaded]    com.barebones.authd.plist (2017-03-15) [Support]
    [running]    com.bjango.istatmenusdaemon.plist (2016-10-21) [Support]
    [loaded]    com.bombich.ccchelper.plist (2016-10-19) [Support]
    [loaded]    com.micromat.MacCheckWorkerDaemon.plist (2016-10-21) [Support]
    [loaded] (2016-12-15) [Support]
    [loaded] (2016-04-11) [Support]

User Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [loaded] (2017-01-14) [Support]

User Login Items: ⓘ
    iTunesHelper    Applicazione   (2017-01-24)
    Google Drive    Applicazione  

Internet Plug-ins: ⓘ
    AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: 15.023.20056 - SDK 10.11 (2017-01-24) [Support]
    FlashPlayer-10.6: - SDK 10.9 (2016-10-19) [Support]
    QuickTime Plugin: 7.7.3 (2016-12-22)
    AdobePDFViewer: 15.023.20056 - SDK 10.11 (2017-01-24) [Support]
    Flash Player: - SDK 10.9 (2016-10-19) Outdated! Update

Safari Extensions: ⓘ
    Translate - - Apps for Mac and Web - (2016-10-30)

3rd Party Preference Panes: ⓘ
    Flash Player (2016-09-24) [Support]

Time Machine: ⓘ
    Skip System Files: NO
    Mobile backups: OFF
    Auto backup: YES
    Volumes being backed up:
        Sierra_Elena: Disk size: 249.07 GB Disk used: 88.88 GB
        Elena_Recover [Local] 
        Total size: 499.93 GB 
        Total number of backups: 41 
        Oldest backup: 19/10/16, 13:19 
        Last backup: 15/03/17, 17:25 
        Size of backup disk: Adequate
            Backup size 499.93 GB > (Disk used 88.88 GB X 3)

Top Processes by CPU: ⓘ
        23%   	mdworker(16)
         6%   	WindowServer
         3%   	trustd(3)
         2%   	fontd

Top Processes by Memory: ⓘ
    831 MB    	kernel_task
    258 MB    	mds_stores
    258 MB    	mdworker(14)
    209 MB    	Google Drive
    98 MB

Virtual Memory Information: ⓘ
    9.17 GB   	Available RAM
    7.31 GB   	Free RAM
    2.83 GB   	Used RAM
    1.85 GB   	Cached files
    0 B       	Swap Used

Diagnostics Information: ⓘ
    Mar 15, 2017, 05:42:18 PM    Self test - passed
    Mar 15, 2017, 09:43:57 AM    /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Microsoft Excel_2017-03-15-094357_[redacted].cpu_resource.diag [Details]
        /Applications/Microsoft Excel

Ci sono solo due tipi di rapine, quelle in cui i rapinatori la fanno franca e quelle in cui ci sono i testimoni. (breacking bad)

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Stato: Non connesso
Pro-Expert 
Pro-Expert 
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Iscritto il: lun, 02 giu 2014 15:12
Messaggi: 30459
Località: Circondato dalle bufale


Onestamente ho perso il filo della situazione precedente.
Ricordo poco e forse anche distorto.

Per cui ho dato un'occhiata senza fare confronti.
E pare a posto.
Ci sono dei rallentamenti, ma non vale la pena di indagare.
Svuota le cache e file temporanei, dovrebbe andare.

Qualche fastidio il solito ciarpame di Adobe e Microsoft.
Già avevamo ripulito, ma se lo trovo vuol dire che hai reinstallato qualcosa.
Aggiorna Flash, è veramente vecchio e quindi pericoloso.
Ho aggiornato poco fa al, tu ha ancora la serie 23...
Oppure, visto che usi Chrome, eliminalo

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Stato: Non connesso
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Iscritto il: lun, 31 ago 2009 09:46
Messaggi: 959
Località: Sirmione BS


faxus ha scritto:Onestamente ho perso il filo della situazione precedente.
Ricordo poco e forse anche distorto.

Per cui ho dato un'occhiata senza fare confronti.
E pare a posto.
Ci sono dei rallentamenti, ma non vale la pena di indagare.
Svuota le cache e file temporanei, dovrebbe andare.

Qualche fastidio il solito ciarpame di Adobe e Microsoft.
Già avevamo ripulito, ma se lo trovo vuol dire che hai reinstallato qualcosa.
Aggiorna Flash, è veramente vecchio e quindi pericoloso.
Ho aggiornato poco fa al, tu ha ancora la serie 23...
Oppure, visto che usi Chrome, eliminalo
Grazie ;)
Ci sono solo due tipi di rapine, quelle in cui i rapinatori la fanno franca e quelle in cui ci sono i testimoni. (breacking bad)

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Stato: Non connesso
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Iscritto il: lun, 31 ago 2009 09:46
Messaggi: 959
Località: Sirmione BS


Aggiorno un crash di iMac 27 del 2009 relativo al post attuale anche se nella fattispecie l'uso di Safari è stato sostituito con Chrome ma il problema di frizzamento improvviso persiste. Come al solito inaspettato freeze totale con schermo bloccato e unica possibilità muovere il puntatore. Spegnimento forzato con pulsante per risolvere e riavvio. Ora indicata al momento del crash: 8:41

Posto system logo ed etrecheck:

Codice: Seleziona tutto

Mar 27 08:16:23 iMac-di-Elena logd[54]: _handle_cache_delete_with_urgency(0x7fa1505642f0, 3, 0)
Mar 27 08:16:23 iMac-di-Elena logd[54]: _handle_cache_delete_with_urgency(0x7fa1504944a0, 3, 0)
Mar 27 08:16:24 iMac-di-Elena logd[54]: _handle_cache_delete_with_urgency(0x7fa150578de0, 3, 0)
Mar 27 08:16:35 iMac-di-Elena[708]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[EVFILT_MACHPORT] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked
Mar 27 08:18:15 iMac-di-Elena[1] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Mar 27 08:18:15 iMac-di-Elena logd[54]: _handle_cache_delete_with_urgency(0x7fa150499140, 3, 0)
Mar 27 08:18:15 iMac-di-Elena logd[54]: _handle_cache_delete_with_urgency(0x7fa1505ab460, 3, 0)
Mar 27 08:18:16 iMac-di-Elena Google Chrome[529]: assertion failed: 16D32: libxpc.dylib + 74307 [65E41BB6-EBD5-3D93-B0BE-B190CEE4DD93]: 0x89
Mar 27 08:18:16 iMac-di-Elena FinderSyncAPIExtension[728]: Loading Google Drive Finder extension
Mar 27 08:18:16 iMac-di-Elena FinderSyncAPIExtension[728]: Pipe path is a symbolic link, connecting to target.
Mar 27 08:18:16 iMac-di-Elena FinderSyncAPIExtension[728]: /Users/elenagiordano/Library/Application Support/Google/Drive/GoogleDriveIpcPipe is a symbolic link to /Users/elenagiordano/Library/Group Containers/google_drive/tmpnAez6D, connecting to link target.
Mar 27 08:18:19 iMac-di-Elena Google Chrome[529]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[EVFILT_MACHPORT] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked
Mar 27 08:19:48 iMac-di-Elena FinderSyncAPIExtension[473]: Pipe path is a symbolic link, connecting to target.
Mar 27 08:19:48 iMac-di-Elena FinderSyncAPIExtension[473]: /Users/elenagiordano/Library/Application Support/Google/Drive/GoogleDriveIpcPipe is a symbolic link to /Users/elenagiordano/Library/Group Containers/google_drive/tmpnAez6D, connecting to link target.
Mar 27 08:20:17 iMac-di-Elena syslogd[36]: ASL Sender Statistics
Mar 27 08:22:17 iMac-di-Elena FinderSyncAPIExtension[473]: Pipe path is a symbolic link, connecting to target.
Mar 27 08:22:17 iMac-di-Elena FinderSyncAPIExtension[473]: /Users/elenagiordano/Library/Application Support/Google/Drive/GoogleDriveIpcPipe is a symbolic link to /Users/elenagiordano/Library/Group Containers/google_drive/tmpnAez6D, connecting to link target.
Mar 27 08:22:20 iMac-di-Elena AdobeReader[757]: AdobeCrashReporterInitialize: executionTime = 0.017404 seconds
Mar 27 08:22:20 iMac-di-Elena AdobeCRDaemon[759]: Starting CRDaemon
Mar 27 08:22:20 iMac-di-Elena AdobeReader[757]: Encoding = 0
Mar 27 08:22:54 iMac-di-Elena AdobeReader[757]: ARM Framework Log: Starting updater process for product with registration plist com.adobe.reader.dc
Mar 27 08:22:54 iMac-di-Elena AdobeReader[757]: ARM Framework Log: The Updater application has been verified
Mar 27 08:22:54 iMac-di-Elena AdobeReader[757]: ARM Framework Log: Checking updates for the product
Mar 27 08:22:54 iMac-di-Elena AdobeReader[757]: The return code after checking for updates is 1
Mar 27 08:22:54 iMac-di-Elena AdobeReader[757]: ARM Framework Log: Starting updater process for product with registration plist com.adobe.reader.dc
Mar 27 08:22:54 iMac-di-Elena AdobeReader[757]: ARM Framework Log: The Updater application has been verified
Mar 27 08:22:54 iMac-di-Elena AdobeReader[757]: ARM Framework Log: Checking updates for the product
Mar 27 08:22:55 iMac-di-Elena AdobeReader[757]: ARM Framework Log: ARM Helper exit with status 0
Mar 27 08:22:55 iMac-di-Elena AdobeReader[757]: ARM Framework Log: Check for updates has been completed. The status returned is 0
Mar 27 08:31:14 iMac-di-Elena syslogd[36]: ASL Sender Statistics
Mar 27 08:31:21 iMac-di-Elena Finder[293]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[EVFILT_MACHPORT] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked
Mar 27 08:41:25 iMac-di-Elena syslogd[36]: ASL Sender Statistics
Mar 27 08:43:01 localhost bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1490596981 0
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" sharing output destination "/var/log/asl" with ASL Module "".
	Output parameters from ASL Module "" override any specified in ASL Module "".
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" sharing output destination "/var/log/system.log" with ASL Module "".
	Output parameters from ASL Module "" override any specified in ASL Module "".
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" sharing output destination "/private/var/log/keybagd.log" with ASL Module "".
	Output parameters from ASL Module "" override any specified in ASL Module "".
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" sharing output destination "/var/log/FindMyFriendsApp/FindMyFriendsApp.asl" with ASL Module "".
	Output parameters from ASL Module "" override any specified in ASL Module "".
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" sharing output destination "/var/log/FindMyFriendsApp" with ASL Module "".
	Output parameters from ASL Module "" override any specified in ASL Module "".
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:03 localhost syslogd[36]: Configuration Notice:
	ASL Module "" claims selected messages.
	Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
Mar 27 08:43:02 localhost[1] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Mar 27 08:43:02 localhost[1] ( Service sets EnableTransactions=false and EnablePressuredExit=true, which makes no sense. Enabling Transactions.
Mar 27 08:43:03 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Mar 27 08:43:02 localhost[1] ( The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Mar 27 08:43:02 localhost[1] ( Service sets EnableTransactions=false and EnablePressuredExit=true, which makes no sense. Enabling Transactions.
Mar 27 08:43:03 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Mar 27 08:43:02 localhost[1] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Mar 27 08:43:02 localhost[1] ( Service sets EnableTransactions=false and EnablePressuredExit=true, which makes no sense. Enabling Transactions.
Mar 27 08:43:03 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Mar 27 08:43:02 localhost[1] ( The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Mar 27 08:43:02 localhost[1] ( The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Mar 27 08:43:02 localhost[1] ( ThrottleInterval set to zero. You're not that important. Ignoring.

Codice: Seleziona tutto

EtreCheck version: 3.1.5 (343)
Report generated 2017-03-27 08:54:50
Download EtreCheck from
Runtime 2:23
Performance: Excellent

Click the [Support] links for help with non-Apple products.
Click the [Details] links for more information about that line.

Problem: No problem - just checking

Hardware Information: ⓘ
    iMac (27-inch, Late 2009) 
    [Technical Specifications] - [User Guide] - [Warranty & Service]
    iMac - model: iMac10,1
    1 3,06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (Duo) CPU: 2-core
    12 GB RAM Upgradeable - [Instructions]
        BANK 0/DIMM0
            2 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
        BANK 1/DIMM0
            2 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
        BANK 0/DIMM1
            4 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
        BANK 1/DIMM1
            4 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
    Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported
    Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n

Video Information: ⓘ
    ATI Radeon HD 4670 - VRAM: 256 MB
        iMac 2560 x 1440

System Software: ⓘ
    macOS Sierra  10.12.3 (16D32) - Time since boot: less than an hour

Disk Information: ⓘ
    ST31000528ASQ disk1 : (1 TB) (Rotational)
    [Show SMART report]
        EFI (disk1s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB 
        Elena_Recover (disk1s2) /Volumes/Elena_Recover : 499.93 GB (250.70 GB free)
        Elena_Archivio (disk1s3) /Volumes/Elena_Archivio : 249.80 GB (236.22 GB free)
        Sierra_Elena_Interno (disk1s4) /Volumes/Sierra_Elena_Interno : 249.35 GB (173.73 GB free)
        Recovery HD (disk1s5) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB 

    Samsung SSD 850 EVO 250GB disk0 : (250,06 GB) (Solid State - TRIM: Yes)
    [Show SMART report]
        EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB 
        Sierra_Elena (disk0s2) /  [Startup]: 249.07 GB (160.14 GB free)
        Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB 

USB Information: ⓘ
    Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver 
    Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub 
        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller 
    Apple Inc. Built-in iSight 
    Apple, Inc. Keyboard Hub 
        Apple Inc. Apple Keyboard 
    Apple Card Reader 

Gatekeeper: ⓘ
    Mac App Store and identified developers

Unknown Files: ⓘ
    One unknown file found. [Check files]

Kernel Extensions: ⓘ
        /Volumes/Sierra_Elena_Interno/Applications/Hands Off!.app
    [not loaded]    com.metakine.handsoff.driver (3.1.1 - SDK 10.9 - 2016-09-17) [Support]

    [not loaded]    com.micromat.driver.SPDKernel (1.0 - SDK 10.9 - 2016-10-21) [Support]

System Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [not loaded] (2017-03-15) [Support]
    [not loaded]    8 Apple tasks
    [loaded]    178 Apple tasks
    [running]    93 Apple tasks

System Launch Daemons: ⓘ
    [not loaded]    40 Apple tasks
    [loaded]    167 Apple tasks
    [running]    103 Apple tasks

Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [failed]    com.adobe.ARMDCHelper.cc24aef4a1b90ed56a725c38014c95072f92651fb65e1bf9c8e43c37a23d420d.plist (2017-01-16) [Support]
    [running]    com.bjango.istatmenusagent.plist (2016-10-21) [Support]
    [running]    com.bjango.istatmenusnotifications.plist (2016-10-21) [Support]
    [running]    com.bjango.istatmenusstatus.plist (2016-10-21) [Support]

Launch Daemons: ⓘ
    [loaded]    com.adobe.ARMDC.Communicator.plist (2017-01-16) [Support]
    [loaded]    com.adobe.ARMDC.SMJobBlessHelper.plist (2017-01-16) [Support]
    [loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist (2017-02-28) [Support]
    [loaded]    com.barebones.authd.plist (2017-03-15) [Support]
    [running]    com.bjango.istatmenusdaemon.plist (2016-10-21) [Support]
    [loaded]    com.bombich.ccchelper.plist (2016-10-19) [Support]
    [loaded]    com.micromat.MacCheckWorkerDaemon.plist (2016-10-21) [Support]
    [loaded] (2016-12-15) [Support]
    [loaded] (2016-04-11) [Support]

User Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [loaded] (2017-01-14) [Support]

User Login Items: ⓘ
    iTunesHelper    Applicazione   (2017-03-24)
    Google Drive    Applicazione  

Internet Plug-ins: ⓘ
    AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: 15.023.20056 - SDK 10.11 (2017-01-24) [Support]
    FlashPlayer-10.6: - SDK 10.9 (2017-03-16) [Support]
    QuickTime Plugin: 7.7.3 (2016-12-22)
    AdobePDFViewer: 15.023.20056 - SDK 10.11 (2017-01-24) [Support]
    Flash Player: - SDK 10.9 (2017-03-16) [Support]
    PepperFlashPlayer: - SDK 10.9 (2017-03-16) [Support]

Safari Extensions: ⓘ
    Translate - - Apps for Mac and Web - (2016-10-30)

3rd Party Preference Panes: ⓘ
    Flash Player (2017-02-28) [Support]

Time Machine: ⓘ
    Skip System Files: NO
    Mobile backups: OFF
    Auto backup: YES
    Volumes being backed up:
        Sierra_Elena: Disk size: 249.07 GB Disk used: 88.93 GB
        Elena_Recover [Local] 
        Total size: 499.93 GB 
        Total number of backups: 47 
        Oldest backup: 19/10/16, 13:19 
        Last backup: 24/03/17, 16:59 
        Size of backup disk: Adequate
            Backup size 499.93 GB > (Disk used 88.93 GB X 3)

Top Processes by CPU: ⓘ
        25%   	mds
        21%   	backupd
         6%   	WindowServer
         5%   	mds_stores

Top Processes by Memory: ⓘ
    918 MB    	kernel_task
    811 MB    	mdworker(24)
    406 MB    	mds_stores
    246 MB    	Google Drive
    233 MB

Virtual Memory Information: ⓘ
    8.04 GB   	Available RAM
    3.44 GB   	Free RAM
    3.96 GB   	Used RAM
    4.60 GB   	Cached files
    0 B       	Swap Used

Diagnostics Information: ⓘ
    Mar 27, 2017, 08:43:01 AM    Self test - passed
    Mar 24, 2017, 05:28:38 PM    ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/iTunesHelper_2017-03-24-172838_[redacted].crash - /Applications/

Ci sono solo due tipi di rapine, quelle in cui i rapinatori la fanno franca e quelle in cui ci sono i testimoni. (breacking bad)

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Iscritto il: lun, 02 giu 2014 15:12
Messaggi: 30459
Località: Circondato dalle bufale


Non noto nulla di significativo.

Forse se trovassi un resoconto del crash di qualcosa a quell'ora potrei dire qualcosa.
Le solite cose relative a Google Drive e ai manicomiali symlink discendenti.

Trovo che se eliminassi Adobe Reader e usassi semplicemente Anteprima ed eventualmente Skim, ti potresti togliere tanti problemi.
Quell'applicazione è una cosa assurda per come impegna il sistema, per le risorse che usa in cambio di funzioni native già in uso.
Pesantiissimo, ingombrante, inutile perché un duplicato, problematico, con un plugin che non serve se non a se stesso, da aggiornare e che ogni tanto funziona anche male.

Per farti un esempio, è come se andassi in giro con uno zaino sulle spalle di svariati chili.
Pieno di cose che non servono ma che devi periodicamente cambiare se no vanno a male.
Ogni volta che sali in macchina te lo devi togliere e poi rimettere quando scendi ecc.

E che non serve a nulla.
Se qualcuno ti chiede perché porti quel peso inutile gli rispondi che non lo sai, ma ormai sei affezionato...


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