Password hashing in Yandex.Browser

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Moderatore: ModiMaccanici

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Iscritto il: mar, 09 dic 2008 14:17
Messaggi: 2948
Località: Kernel Linux


ahpperò !!!

Password hashing in Yandex.Browser ... words.html" onclick=";return false;

Yandex.Browser stores passwords for important websites as hashes. Since passwords are not stored in clear text, even if hackers steal the password database, they will not get access to your personal information.

Cryptographic hashing helps transform a password into a unique character sequence that can be easily used for password identification, but it is practically impossible to restore an original password using it. For example, the text “hello” after hashing becomes “2cf24dba5fb0a30e26e83b2ac5b9e29e1b161e5c1fa7425e73043362938b9824”.

Yandex.Browser uses the SCrypt algorithm for hashing. This algorithm generates a hash using not only the central processor, but also multiple read/write operations in the memory. Such an approach makes it difficult to crack passwords. For example, a hacker will not be able to use video card acceleration for brute force hacking. The SCrypt algorithm is used, for example, in LiteCoin crypto currency.

As a result, it will take a malicious user more than 100 years to match a six-digit password, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

Yandex.Browser > Privacy and personal information > Passwords > browser://settings/passwords" onclick=";return false;
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    Iscritto il: lun, 02 giu 2014 15:12
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    Ma tu, che hai capito di quello che hai scritto?

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    Kernel Panic
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    Iscritto il: sab, 08 gen 2011 14:03
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    Interessante, se non ricordo male anche Firefox adotta misure simili per le password archiviate.

    faxus ha scritto:Ma tu, che hai capito di quello che hai scritto?
    Ma mica lo ha scritto lui, ha solo copiato e incollato .......

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    Iscritto il: lun, 02 giu 2014 15:12
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    Kernel Panic ha scritto:Interessante, se non ricordo male anche Firefox adotta misure simili per le password archiviate...
    Esistono altri sistemi?
    Kernel Panic ha scritto:... Ma mica lo ha scritto lui, ha solo copiato e incollato...
    È difficile da credere!...

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    Iscritto il: mar, 09 dic 2008 14:17
    Messaggi: 2948
    Località: Kernel Linux


    ah ops scusate, lo volevo incollare in google traduttore e per sbaglio l'ho fatto qui
      UNIX Live Free or Die!

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      Iscritto il: mar, 09 dic 2008 14:17
      Messaggi: 2948
      Località: Kernel Linux


      però io ricordo che con firefox, avendo accesso locale al computer, senza master password, si può avere accesso al database facilmente

      con Yandex no ... -passwords" onclick=";return false;
      Even though the Password Manager stores your usernames and passwords on your hard drive in an encrypted format, someone with access to your computer can still see or use them. The Use a Master Password to protect stored logins and passwords article shows you how to prevent this and keep you protected in the event your computer is lost or stolen.

        UNIX Live Free or Die!


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