Moderatore: ModiMaccanici
si in effetti ho comprato un case dove ho inserito il disco ssd samsung che avevo nel vecchio macbook pro pagandolo 11€ non credo che sia UASP, comunque a parte l'avvio per tutto il resto è una scheggia! In tal caso si trovano degli ssd esterni con uscita thunderbolt 3?paolinoweb ha scritto: ↑mer, 27 giu 2018 22:10E' un SSD esterno "fatto in casa" comprando SSD e box magari da pochi euro oppure esterno di "fabbrica" ?
Fosse fatto in casa c'è anche da considerare il box usb 3.0 che potrebbe creare questa lentezza, non è detto sia il Mac
Il box è UASP ? Ha uno di quei chip che velocizzano il trasferimento dati da SSD a USB 3.0 e viceversa?
Non tutti i box sono UASP
>>> viewtopic.php?f=8&t=41266ricky_ebbasta ha scritto: ↑gio, 28 giu 2018 13:54..... si trovano degli ssd esterni con uscita thunderbolt 3?
Ho fatto il contratto ieri
Nessuno è mai nella stessa identica situazione.
I comandi di Terminale vanno letti, e le risposte anche.
E perché mai?
Ho aperto Utility disco e li identifica proprio in questo modo:
Il problema si presenta all’accensione con tempi molto lunghi.faxus ha scritto:Descrivi il tuo problema
Ok. Prendo atto delle spiegazioni fornite.faxus ha scritto:I comandi di Terminale vanno letti, e le risposte anche.
Se il comando chiede:
- Quali sono i volumi che si possono scegliere per avviare questo Mac?
E la risposta è:
- Questo da cui sto chiedendo e l'altro, che sta su un altro disco, e che si chiama Macintosh HD.
Perché, secondo te, NON è giusto?
Sto esaminando su Console il system.log riguardante la fase di avvio.faxus ha scritto:Se vuoi leggere il resoconto di sistema in avvio, basta che trovi il relativo syslog.
Il modo più semplice è consultarlo in Console
Cerca di individuare SOLO l'inizio e la fine del periodo in cui è "gelato".
Ci ho provato, ma non è facile individuare il periodo in cui viene “gelato”.faxus ha scritto:Cerca di individuare SOLO l'inizio e la fine del periodo in cui è "gelato".
Codice: Seleziona tutto
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: IASGetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name is "IOKit Boot"
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: phaseName = IOKit Boot
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Advance to phase named = "IOKit Boot"
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: _currentPhase = "<IASPPhase: 0x7f9e2af1b150: 'IOKit Boot', percentage 1.0, delay 0>", _phases = (
"<IASPPhase: 0x7f9e2af1b150: 'IOKit Boot', percentage 1.0, delay 0>",
"<IASPPhase: 0x7f9e2af1b1a0: 'loginwindow Boot', percentage 99.0, delay -1>"
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Showing Progress UI
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: _LSSetMetaApplicationInformationItem add to frontmost list success
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Showing the windows
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Created CG Shield Window
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: There are 0 window(s) and 1 display(s), 1 window(s) will be added
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Created a window at {{0, 0}, {2048, 1152}}
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Service tried to register a port for an endpoint declared in its launchd.plist(5): service =, endpoint =
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = uid, path = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/XPCTimeStampingService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/XPCTimeStampingService error = 1: Operation not permitted, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/SecurityAgent.bundle
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = uid, path = /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/DictionaryServices.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/ error = 1: Operation not permitted, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/SecurityAgent.bundle
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = uid, path = /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIServices.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/ error = 1: Operation not permitted, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/SecurityAgent.bundle
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = uid, path = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/XPCKeychainSandboxCheck.xpc/Contents/MacOS/XPCKeychainSandboxCheck error = 1: Operation not permitted, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/SecurityAgent.bundle
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = uid, path = /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/IOServiceAuthorizeAgent.xpc/Contents/MacOS/IOServiceAuthorizeAgent error = 1: Operation not permitted, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/SecurityAgent.bundle
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = uid, path = /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SpeechRecognitionCore.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/ error = 1: Operation not permitted, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/SecurityAgent.bundle
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Failed to bootstrap path: path = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/XPCTimeStampingService.xpc, error = 1: Operation not permitted
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Failed to bootstrap path: path = /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SpeechRecognitionCore.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/, error = 1: Operation not permitted
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Failed to bootstrap path: path = /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIServices.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/, error = 1: Operation not permitted
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Failed to bootstrap path: path = /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/DictionaryServices.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/, error = 1: Operation not permitted
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Failed to bootstrap path: path = /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/IOServiceAuthorizeAgent.xpc, error = 1: Operation not permitted
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Failed to bootstrap path: path = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/XPCKeychainSandboxCheck.xpc, error = 1: Operation not permitted
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = uid, path = /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FamilyControls.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/ error = 1: Operation not permitted, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/SecurityAgent.bundle
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = uid, path = /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ViewBridge.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/ViewBridgeAuxiliary.xpc/Contents/MacOS/ViewBridgeAuxiliary error = 1: Operation not permitted, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/SecurityAgent.bundle
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Status is ""
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Alternate status is ""
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Setting window alpha values to 0.0
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Ordering windows front
Aug 13 18:53:16 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Setting window alpha values to 1.0
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Using AppKit display change notification
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Progress Updated: currentPhase = "IOKit Boot", progress = 100.0, adjusted progress = 1.0
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = uid, path = /System/Library/Frameworks/MediaAccessibility.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/ error = 1: Operation not permitted, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/SecurityAgent.bundle
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = uid, path = /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/ToneLibrary.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/ error = 1: Operation not permitted, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/SecurityAgent.bundle
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = uid, path = /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GeoServices.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/ error = 1: Operation not permitted, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/SecurityAgent.bundle
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Unknown key for integer: _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = uid, path = /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSKit.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/ error = 1: Operation not permitted, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/SecurityAgent.bundle
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = uid, path = /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AccountsDaemon.framework/XPCServices/DataclassOwnersManager.xpc/Contents/MacOS/DataclassOwnersManager error = 1: Operation not permitted, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/SecurityAgent.bundle
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = uid, path = /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudServices.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/ error = 1: Operation not permitted, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/SecurityAgent.bundle
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Path not allowed in target domain: type = uid, path = /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CloudPhotoServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/CloudPhotosConfigurationXPC.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/ error = 1: Operation not permitted, origin = /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/MachServices/SecurityAgent.bundle
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Done with phase = "IOKit Boot"
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Progress Updated: currentPhase = "IOKit Boot", progress = 100.0, adjusted progress = 1.0
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "loginwindow Boot"
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Saving completion handler for phase IOKit Boot
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Unregister process 99, phaseName IOKit Boot, uuid 104AC495-B39E-49BA-BF85-51BD8B3A9DAD
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Connected processes = {
"50581F96-36CF-42A6-80BB-5B1D91F1FF19" = {
CompletionHandlerKey = "<__NSMallocBlock__: 0x7f9e2af1c450>";
"Phase Name" = "loginwindow Boot";
"Process ID" = 99;
UUID = "50581F96-36CF-42A6-80BB-5B1D91F1FF19";
Aug 13 18:53:16 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Progress Updated: currentPhase = "loginwindow Boot", progress = 10.0, adjusted progress = 10.9
Aug 13 18:53:17 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Progress Updated: currentPhase = "loginwindow Boot", progress = 25.0, adjusted progress = 25.8
Aug 13 18:53:17 iMac-di-Alberto loginwindow[99]: client 0x600000279a40: phaseName = "loginwindow Boot"
Aug 13 18:53:17 iMac-di-Alberto loginwindow[99]: ISAP: Done with Phase "loginwindow Boot"
Aug 13 18:53:17 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Progress Updated: currentPhase = "loginwindow Boot", progress = 100.0, adjusted progress = 100.0
Aug 13 18:53:17 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Done with phase = "loginwindow Boot"
Aug 13 18:53:17 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Progress Updated: currentPhase = "loginwindow Boot", progress = 100.0, adjusted progress = 100.0
Aug 13 18:53:17 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: IASClearInstallProgress: Clearing Registry
Aug 13 18:53:17 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: IASClearInstallProgress: can't clear start percentage property
Aug 13 18:53:17 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: IASClearInstallProgress: can't clear stop percentage property
Aug 13 18:53:17 iMac-di-Alberto systemstats[59]: assertion failed: 17G65: systemstats + 914800 [D1E75C38-62CE-3D77-9ED3-5F6D38EF0676]: 0x40
Aug 13 18:53:17 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): Service sets EnableTransactions=false and EnablePressuredExit=true, which makes no sense. Enabling Transactions.
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Calling animation completion handler
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Progress complete, notifying registered clients
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Calling completion handler for phase "loginwindow Boot"
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto loginwindow[99]: Calling completion handler for 0x600000279a40
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto loginwindow[99]: client 0x600000279a40: phaseName = "loginwindow Boot"
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto loginwindow[99]: ISAP: hide progress UI called
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto loginwindow[99]: client 0x600000279a40: phaseName = loginwindow Boot
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto loginwindow[99]: Releasing Connection
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Hiding Progress UI
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Showing the cursor in Progress UI
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Releasing the boot windows
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Order Out CG Shield Window
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Setting window alpha values to 0.0
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: _LSSetMetaApplicationInformationItem remove from frontmost list success
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Saving completion handler for phase loginwindow Boot
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Unregister process 99, phaseName loginwindow Boot, uuid 50581F96-36CF-42A6-80BB-5B1D91F1FF19
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Connected processes = {
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Start quit timer, will attempt to quit in 1 second(s) at 18:53:19
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Ordering windows out
Aug 13 18:53:18 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Order Out CG Shield Window
Aug 13 18:53:19 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Quitting: There are no connected processes and there is no UI showing
Aug 13 18:53:19 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Quiting Progress App
Aug 13 18:53:19 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Showing the cursor in Progress UI
Aug 13 18:53:19 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Releasing the boot windows
Aug 13 18:53:19 --- last message repeated 1 time ---
Aug 13 18:53:19 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Order Out CG Shield Window
Aug 13 18:53:19 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Setting window alpha values to 0.0
Aug 13 18:53:19 iMac-di-Alberto Installer Progress[76]: Showing the cursor in Progress UI
Aug 13 18:53:19 iMac-di-Alberto loginwindow[99]: The connection was interrupted, calling interruption handlers
Aug 13 18:53:20 iMac-di-Alberto airportd[178]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[mach_recv] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked
Aug 13 18:53:21 iMac-di-Alberto xpcproxy[275]: libcoreservices: _dirhelper_userdir: 529: bootstrap_look_up returned (ipc/send) invalid destination port
Aug 13 18:53:21 iMac-di-Alberto nsurlsessiond[167]: DEPRECATED USE in libdispatch client: Setting timer interval to 0 requests a 1ns timer, did you mean FOREVER (a one-shot timer)?
Aug 13 18:53:21 iMac-di-Alberto netbiosd[275]: DEPRECATED USE in libdispatch client: Setting timer interval to 0 requests a 1ns timer, did you mean FOREVER (a one-shot timer)?
Aug 13 18:53:21 iMac-di-Alberto timed[87]: settimeofday({0x5b71b781,0x2ef8b}) == 0
Aug 13 18:53:31 iMac-di-Alberto[276]: BUG in libdispatch client: dispatch_mig_server: mach_msg() failed (ipc/send) msg too small - 0x10000008
Aug 13 18:53:50 iMac-di-Alberto kcm[306]: DEPRECATED USE in libdispatch client: Setting timer interval to 0 requests a 1ns timer, did you mean FOREVER (a one-shot timer)?
Aug 13 18:53:50 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): Service sets EnableTransactions=false and EnablePressuredExit=true, which makes no sense. Enabling Transactions.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto loginwindow[99]: USER_PROCESS: 99 console
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto symptomsd[184]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[mach_recv] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto cfprefsd[313]: BUG in libdispatch client: kevent[mach_recv] monitored resource vanished before the source cancel handler was invoked
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): EnablePressuredExit is not compatible with KeepAlive=true. Ignoring EnablePressuredExit.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Unknown key for Boolean: EnabledPressuredExit
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Unknown key for Boolean: DrainMessagesAfterFailedInit
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Could not import service from caller: path = /System/Library/LaunchAgents/, caller = loginwindow.99, error = 138: Service cannot be loaded on this hardware
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Caller tried to import service with same label as an existing service: path = /System/Library/LaunchAgents/, caller = loginwindow.99
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Aug 13 18:53:51 --- last message repeated 3 times ---
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( The ServiceIPC key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Aug 13 18:53:51 --- last message repeated 7 times ---
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Could not import service from caller: path = /System/Library/LaunchAgents/, caller = loginwindow.99, error = 138: Service cannot be loaded on this hardware
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Caller tried to import service with same label as an existing service: path = /System/Library/LaunchAgents/, caller = loginwindow.99
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): DrainMessagesOnCrash is not yet implemented. If you rely on this key, please file a bug.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): Invalid type for a LaunchEvent (stream/name/type): ichat/events/array
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): Invalid type for a LaunchEvent (stream/name/type): ichat/bundleid/string
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Caller tried to import service with same label as an existing service: path = /System/Library/LaunchAgents/, caller = loginwindow.99
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Unknown key for string:
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Unknown key for string: RunLoopType
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Caller tried to import service with same label as an existing service: path = /System/Library/LaunchAgents/, caller = loginwindow.99
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): EnablePressuredExit is not compatible with KeepAlive=true. Ignoring EnablePressuredExit.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): DrainMessagesOnCrash is not yet implemented. If you rely on this key, please file a bug.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): Assuming EnablePressuredExit=false given EnableTransactions=false.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( The ServiceIPC key is no longer respected. Please remove it.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( Unknown key for dictionary: NoEnvironmentVariables
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): EnablePressuredExit is not compatible with KeepAlive=true. Ignoring EnablePressuredExit.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Aug 13 18:53:51 iMac-di-Alberto[1] ( (lint): The HideUntilCheckIn property is an architectural performance issue. Please transition away from it.
Aug 13 18:53:51 --- last message repeated 6 times ---
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