il mio mac richiede riavvio!!!!!!

Problemi con il Mac, componenti o periferiche

Moderatore: ModiMaccanici

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Nuovo Maccanico
Nuovo Maccanico
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Iscritto il: mar, 07 lug 2009 14:55
Messaggi: 4


Salve a tutti, vorrei capire cosa sta succedendo al mio powerbook 10.4 tiger di circa 5 anni, e' piu' di qualche volta che ad un certo punto mi si blocca e appare una finestra che mi dice di riavviare il computer tenendo premuto il tasto di accenzione, del tipo : il tuo computer deve essere riavviato, premere per qualche secondo il tasto sopracitato.....una volta riavviato mi appare la schermata che segnala l'avvenuto riavvio con non so cos'altro, e mi dice se voglio avere un resoconto, ma tanto io non ne capisco nulla XDXDXD.... chi mi dice cosa posso fare?
p.s. mi sono reso conto che mi da questo problema quando navigo perche' sta mane l'ho acceso e l'ho lasciato li, tornato da lavoro ( qualche minuto fa ) ho aperto safari ho navigato per circa 10 minuti e di nuovo lo stesso problema
Grazie a tutti quelli che avranno pieta' di me ... c-1p0f.png qui potete vedere la finestra che appare

di seguito l'ultimo resoconto

Descrizione: Resoconto eventi sistema
Dimensione: 6.64 KB
Ultima modifica: 13/05/10 09:08
Posizione: /var/log/system.log
Contenuto recente: ...
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 31 built-in now active, GUID 001124ff fe84b93e; max speed s800.
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::probe:
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::start before command
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: Security auditing service present
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: BSM auditing present
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: disabled
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 8AE90E1C-9DF9-3541-B7A8-EC725D440E79
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/MacRISC2PE/pci@f4000000/AppleMacRiscPCI/ata-6@D/AppleKauaiATA/ATADeviceNub@0/IOATABlockStorageDriver/IOATABlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/FUJITSU MHT2080AH Media/IOApplePartitionScheme/Apple_HFS_Untitled_1@3
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s3, major 14, minor 2
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: jnl: replay_journal: from: 6530048 to: 433152 (joffset 0x256000)
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::stop
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::start Idle Timer Stopped
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: HFS: Removed 11 orphaned unlinked files
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: Jettisoning kernel linker.
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: Resetting IOCatalogue.
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 0
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: IPv6 packet filtering initialized, default to accept, logging disabled
May 13 09:07:47 localhost diskarbitrationd[38]: disk0s3 hfs 8AE90E1C-9DF9-3541-B7A8-EC725D440E79 Macintosh HD /
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: UniNEnet: Ethernet address 00:11:24:84:b9:3e
May 13 09:07:47 localhost launchd: Server 3507 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[42]: exited abnormally: Hangup
May 13 09:07:47 localhost kernel[0]: AirPortPCI_MM: Ethernet address 00:11:24:98:12:5f
May 13 09:07:47 localhost usbmuxd[34]: usbmuxd-190 built for iTunesNineOne on Mar 8 2010 at 20:25:35, running 32 bit
May 13 09:07:48 localhost kernel[0]: Registering For 802.11 Events
May 13 09:07:48 localhost configd[36]: WirelessConfigure: 88001003
May 13 09:07:48 localhost kernel[0]: [HCIController][setupHardware] AFH Is Supported
May 13 09:07:48 localhost configd[36]: initCardWithStoredPrefs failed.
May 13 09:07:48 localhost configd[36]: WirelessConfigure: 88001003
May 13 09:07:50 localhost kernel[0]: ATY,Jasper_A: vram [b8000000:04000000]
May 13 09:07:50 localhost mDNSResponder: Adding browse domain local.
May 13 09:07:51 localhost kernel[0]: ATY,Jasper_B: vram [b8000000:04000000]
May 13 09:07:51 localhost lookupd[63]: lookupd (version 369.8) starting - Thu May 13 09:07:51 2010
May 13 09:07:51 localhost /System/Library/CoreServices/ Login Window Application Started
May 13 09:07:52 localhost loginwindow[64]: Login Window Started Security Agent
May 13 09:07:56 localhost configd[36]: en0: DHCP ignored
May 13 09:07:57 powerbook-g4-15-di-daniele-tavella configd[36]: setting hostname to "powerbook-g4-15-di-daniele-tavella.local"
May 13 09:07:59 powerbook-g4-15-di-daniele-tavella kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Active: "Alice-76706969" - 001d6a885599 - chan 11
May 13 09:08:02 powerbook-g4-15-di-daniele-tavella launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[63]: exited abnormally: Hangup
May 13 09:08:02 powerbook-g4-15-di-daniele-tavella configd[36]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/enable-network
May 13 09:08:02 powerbook-g4-15-di-daniele-tavella configd[36]: posting notification
May 13 09:08:02 powerbook-g4-15-di-daniele-tavella lookupd[143]: lookupd (version 369.8) starting - Thu May 13 09:08:02 2010
May 13 09:08:02 powerbook-g4-15-di-daniele-tavella configd[36]: setting hostname to ""
May 13 09:08:05 powerbook-g4-15-di-daniele-tavella ntpdate[155]: can't find host\n
May 13 09:08:05 powerbook-g4-15-di-daniele-tavella ntpdate[155]: no servers can be used, exiting
May 13 09:08:06 powerbook-g4-15-di-daniele-tavella configd[36]: target=enable-network: disabled
May 13 09:08:16 powerbook-g4-15-di-daniele-tavella kernel[0]: jnl: replay_journal: from: 1460224 to: 7857664 (joffset 0x256000)
May 13 09:08:19 powerbook-g4-15-di-daniele-tavella /usr/sbin/screenreaderd: SCREENREADER[66]: Stopping screen reader because login happened\n

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Admin of my life
Admin of my life
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Iscritto il: sab, 08 ott 2005 07:00
Messaggi: 63478
Località: [k]ragnano


Il Kernel Panic si presenta solitamente quando ci sono problemi hardware, ma potrebbe essere anche semplicemente l'Hard Disk.

Riprova scollegando tutte le periferiche oppure leggi quest'articolo pubblicato sul sito Apple. ... /8965.html
La prima cosa su cui devi investire è il benessere del tuo corpo, l'unica cosa che ti porterai nella tomba.
Franz Grua (sarebbe fragrua)

In un mondo perfetto io sarei un essere inutile.
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