Pagina 1 di 2

Problemi wi-fi con PB G4 15" 1.67

Inviato: dom, 13 gen 2008 09:45
da acqua
Ciao a tutti, sono nuova su questo sito che ho scoperto recentemente.

Vivo a Firenze ma sono napoletana doc e quindi sono contenta di questa incursione al sud!

Ho un PB G4 15" 1.67 che da sempre mi dà problemi di connessione wi-fi. I problemi non sono legati alla rete poiché si presentano in qualunque situazione wi-fi e in modalità assolutamente casuale. So anche (purtroppo) di non essere l'unica a lamentare questo problema.

Volevo sapere se avete qualche suggerimento da darmi. Bazzico da molto tempo i forum, ma l'unico consiglio che sono riuscita ad ottenere è di comprare un costoso Transceiver della Quicktek. E non sono sicura che risolverebbe il problema.

Ho esplorato anche altre possibilità, come una scheda PCMCIA tipo Sonnet Aria Extreme, che però risulta incompatibile con il mio PB, a meno, suppongo, di aprirlo e disconnettere la scheda Airport interna. Ho usato anche piccoli (e inutili) espedienti come il widget Net Reconnector 1.1.

Insomma, ne ho provate diverse.

Avete qualche idea?

Grazie in anticipo e congratulazioni, perché il vostro sito è veramente interessante e pieno di informazioni.


Re: Problemi wi-fi con PB G4 15" 1.67

Inviato: dom, 13 gen 2008 11:45
da fab71
acqua ha scritto:Ciao a tutti, sono nuova su questo sito che ho scoperto recentemente.

Vivo a Firenze ma sono napoletana doc e quindi sono contenta di questa incursione al sud!
Ciao Alessandra, innanzitutto benvenuta!
Ho il tuo stesso PB, puoi descrivermi in dettaglio che problemi hai?


Inviato: dom, 13 gen 2008 12:01
da acqua
Ciao Fab71,

grazie del tuo intervento.

Eccoti un po' di ulteriori fatti.

Il PB non mantiene la connessione wi-fi in un modo che è assolutamente imprevedibile:

- non dipende dalla rete wi-fi, poiché ne ho testate diverse e il problema si ripresenta;

- non dipende dalla distanza dal router/access point: in questo momento sono a 20 cm dal Belkin 54g e si sconnette continuamente. Tieni presente che lo stesso Belkin 54g serve egregiamente un PB G3 Lombard con scheda PCMCIA Orinoco Gold e un iMac G5 che tengo al piano di sotto, nonché fa da bridge con un altro Belkin 54g della casa di fronte. Tutti gli altri computer restano connessi;

- il problema si presenta in maniera random, sia che io stia trasferendo file, scaricando posta, navigando su internet, oppure non stia facendo nulla di tutto ciò se non tenere il computer acceso. Ho anche provato a tenere il PB aperto in diverse posizioni, dato che l'antenna corre lungo la cerniera. Tutto inutile, il problema torna.

So per certo di non essere l'unica a lamentare il problema, che pare essere cresciuto con i case di alluminio che in qualche modo schermano l'antenna.

Spero di essere stata abbastanza specifica.

Fammi sapere se hai qualche idea, se non mandare il PB in riparazione (ma non ho molta fiducia...) oppure semplicemente usare l'ethernet.

Grazie ancora e buona domenica.


PS: ho fatto anche reset della PRAM e PMU, come ultima sponda...

Inviato: dom, 13 gen 2008 12:44
da fab71
acqua ha scritto:Ciao Fab71,

grazie del tuo intervento.

Eccoti un po' di ulteriori fatti.
Bene bene... tutti problemi che ho avuto anche io negli ultimi mesi ma poi ho risolto completamente...

Allora fai le seguenti prove:

1) Prova a cambiare canale di trasmissione al router: passa all'estremo opposto (es se è 10 metti 1, se è 6 metti 1 o 10/11 etc. etc)

2) Ci sono cordless/forni a microonde nel tuo appartamento?

3) Ci sono molte rete wireless dove abiti?

Ti garantisco che il PB non ha alcun problema (è vero che è molto sensibile perchè ha il case in alluminio) ma c'è qualcosa nell'ambiente circostante che accentua maggiormente questa sua "debolezza".
Non credo che tu abbia un problema all'airport, altrimenti avresti dovuto avere anche dei kernel panic (considera che le antenne sono si soggette ad usura, ma ci vorrebbero tanttissimi anni di trasmissione continua x "deteriorarne" il funzionamento...)

Inviato: dom, 13 gen 2008 13:39
da acqua
Ciao Fab,

grazie dei tuoi consigli.

Proverò a cambiare canale, ma non ho molte speranze perché avevo già tentato questo passo in precedenza. Al momento è sul 9, tenterò altri canali. Quello su cui non potrò intervenire sono le altre reti wireless che mi capita di usare (tipo lavoro etc.), dato che non potrò smanettarci. Quindi poche possibilità di connettermi quando sono in giro...

Cordless e microonde sono al piano di sotto a circa 7/8 mt di distanza e la mia rete wireless è l'unica per un perimetro di almeno un km dato che sono in piena campagna...

Ti faccio sapere.

A presto


Inviato: dom, 13 gen 2008 14:31
da fab71
acqua ha scritto: Ti faccio sapere.
Ok. Quando hai tempo, e, quando si verifica il problema, apri il Terminale e digita 'sudo dmesg' ed incollami l'output qui.


Inviato: dom, 13 gen 2008 17:12
da acqua
Ciao Fab,

per non cambiare i settings sul Belkin (tipica pigrizia domenicale) ho aperto una condivisione della rete con il mio G5 che ha una scheda Airport.

All'inizio tutto ok, ma dopo un quarto d'ora il problema è riapparso. Ho cambiato vari canali, ma senza nessun risultato. Il PB perde la connessione, ahimé...

Di seguito l'output di Terminal. Tieni presente che per riconnettermi devo sempre farlo manualmente, il PB vede le varie reti ma non si connette.

Last login: Sun Jan 13 15:36:14 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
PB-G4:~ alessandraalessandra$ sudo dmesg
chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
AirPort: Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is down.
UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is down.
UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is down.
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
in_delmulti - ignorning invalid inm (0x656e0058)
AirPort: Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "Alessandra's Power Mac G5" - 001124a7d49a - chan 1
in_delmulti - ignorning invalid inm (0x656e00e0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "Alessandra's Power Mac G5" - 001124a7d49a - chan 1
in_delmulti - ignorning invalid inm (0x656e0038)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "Alessandra's Power Mac G5" - 001124a7d49a - chan 3
in_delmulti - ignorning invalid inm (0x656e00a0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "Alessandra's Power Mac G5" - 001124a7d49a - chan 3
in_delmulti - ignorning invalid inm (0x656e00f0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "Alessandra's Power Mac G5" - 001124a7d49a - chan 1
AirPort: Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "Alessandra's Power Mac G5" - 001124a7d49a - chan 1
AirPort: Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
AirPort: Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "Alessandra's Power Mac G5" - 001124a7d49a - chan 1
AirPort: Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "Alessandra's Power Mac G5" - 001124a7d49a - chan 1
AirPort: Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
AirPort: Link Active: "Alessandra's Power Mac G5" - 001124a7d49a - chan 1
in_delmulti - ignorning invalid inm (0x656e0078)
AirPort: Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
PB-G4:~ alessandraalessandra$

Aspetto tue nuove.

Ciao ciao


Inviato: dom, 13 gen 2008 18:32
da fab71
acqua ha scritto:Ciao Fab,

per non cambiare i settings sul Belkin (tipica pigrizia domenicale) ho aperto una condivisione della rete con il mio G5 che ha una scheda Airport.
Non mi è chiaro... dai logs pare che cerchi di connettersi una marea di volte al belkin poi verso la fine al tuo g5... hai impostato qualche forma di protezione sulla rete?

Inviato: dom, 13 gen 2008 18:42
da acqua
No, nessuna protezione. Come ti ho detto sono isolata in campagna e ho lasciato il network accessibile...

Mi sono connessa al G5 manualmente, scegliendo io il network dato che avevo disponibile sia il Belkin che il G5, ma come prima, si disconnette...

Misterioso, eh?

Inviato: dom, 13 gen 2008 18:51
da fab71
acqua ha scritto:No, nessuna protezione. Come ti ho detto sono isolata in campagna e ho lasciato il network accessibile...

Mi sono connessa al G5 manualmente, scegliendo io il network dato che avevo disponibile sia il Belkin che il G5, ma come prima, si disconnette...

Misterioso, eh?
Si... ed anche questi:

UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is down.
UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is down.
UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is down.

anche la rete via cavo si disconnette... molto, molto strano... (quindi escluderei un problema all'airport).

Riesci ad incollare il una buona parte del tuo console.log? (Applicazioni/Utility/Console)

Inviato: dom, 13 gen 2008 20:36
da acqua
La rete via cavo l'ho resettata io un paio di volte perché andava lenta.

Ti allego console.log e system.log.

Codice: Seleziona tutto


Mac OS X Versione 10.4.11 (Build 8S165)
2008-01-13 20:03:10 +0100
2008-01-13 20:03:13.254 SystemUIServer[85] 
    MenuCracker is now loaded. Ready to accept new menus. Ignore the failure message that follow.
2008-01-13 20:03:15.786 SystemUIServer[85] failed to load Menu Extra: NSBundle </Library/PreferencePanes/MenuMeters.prefPane/Contents/Resources/> (loaded)
2008-01-13 20:03:18.412 SystemUIServer[85] lang is:en
Jan 13 20:03:20 PB-G4 VersionCueCS2Daemon[155]: warning: VersionCueCS2Daemon not started by mach_init process (parent pid: 1)
Jan 13 20:03:20 PB-G4 VersionCueCS2Daemon[155]: VCEnvironmentSetCWD() failed to set CWD to '/Applications/Adobe Version Cue CS2' <2>
2008-01-13 20:03:22.932 SecurityFixer[187] No insecure startup items found!
2008-01-13 20:03:32.455 SystemUIServer[85] MenuCracker: Loading 'MenuMeterCPUExtra'.
2008-01-13 20:03:34.441 SystemUIServer[85] MenuMeterCPU loaded.
2008-01-13 20:03:34.462 SystemUIServer[85] MenuCracker: Loading 'MenuMeterNetExtra'.
2008-01-13 20:03:34.649 SystemUIServer[85] MenuMeterNet loaded.
2008-01-13 20:03:34.964 SystemUIServer[85] MenuCracker: Loading 'MenuMeterDiskExtra'.
2008-01-13 20:03:35.125 SystemUIServer[85] MenuMeterDisk loaded.
2008-01-13 20:06:05.685 DashboardClient[236] AirTrafficControl Wireless Framework version 2.2.0 launched. 
2008-01-13 20:06:05.685 DashboardClient[236] AirTrafficControl version 1.2.0f20 launched. 
2008-01-13 20:06:05.685 DashboardClient[236] (C) Copyright Mark Madsen 2005. All rights reserved. (
2008-01-13 20:06:11.520 DashboardClient[246] MiniBatteryStatusPlugin initialized
[246] :TypeError - Object  (result of expression displayStatus) does not allow calls.
2008-01-13 20:06:12.230 DashboardClient[247] needs update
2008-01-13 20:06:16.699 DashboardClient[246] it.emeraldion.widget.minibatterystatus: bin/ start
2008-01-13 20:06:17.126 DashboardClient[246] it.emeraldion.widget.minibatterystatus: key=adelia&hash=23a0d85b33e1f0453a48d0f199999b9c&model=PowerBook5%2C8&machine=PowerBook5%2C8&voltage=11894&cycle_count=73&max_capacity=4173&purchase_date=2012-04-23&absolute_max_capacity=4400
[236] file:///Users/alessandraalessandra/Library/Widgets/AirTrafficControl.wdgt/atc.html:TypeError - Undefined value
2008-01-13 20:06:18.618 DashboardClient[236] (com.spintriplet.atc.widget) file:///Users/alessandraalessandra/Library/Widgets/AirTrafficControl.wdgt/atc.js: TypeError - Undefined value (line: 64)
2008-01-13 20:06:20.398 DashboardClient[241] com.astrology.dashtrology: serverDate:20080113
2008-01-13 20:06:20.398 DashboardClient[241] com.astrology.dashtrology: RSS data (-1) expired?true
2008-01-13 20:29:04.323 DashboardClient[241] com.astrology.dashtrology: serverDate:20080113
2008-01-13 20:29:04.324 DashboardClient[241] com.astrology.dashtrology: RSS data (20080113) expired?false
Jan 13 20:29:49 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
2008-01-13 20:29:53.684 DashboardClient[247] needs update


Jan 12 12:35:45 PB-G4 cp: error processing extended attributes: Operation not permitted
Jan 12 13:00:00 PB-G4 GÖC>[192]: sleep request recorded: Sat Jan 12 13:00:00 2008\n\n
Jan 12 13:00:06 PB-G4 GÖC>[192]: sleep request recorded: Sat Jan 12 13:00:00 2008\n\n
Jan 12 13:00:06 PB-G4 GÖC>[192]: sleep cancelled time is: Sat Jan 12 13:00:06 2008\n\n
Jan 12 13:12:37 PB-G4 GÖC>[192]: sleep demand recorded: Sat Jan 12 13:12:37 2008\n\n
Jan 12 13:12:45 PB-G4 kernel[0]: hibernate image path: /var/vm/sleepimage
Jan 12 13:12:45 PB-G4 kernel[0]: sizeof(IOHibernateImageHeader) == 512
Jan 12 13:12:45 PB-G4 kernel[0]: Opened file /var/vm/sleepimage, size 2147483648, partition base 0x8008000, maxio 100000
Jan 12 13:12:45 PB-G4 kernel[0]: hibernate image major 14, minor 2, blocksize 512, pollers 2
Jan 12 13:12:45 PB-G4 kernel[0]: hibernate_alloc_pages flags fc14fc21, gobbling 0 pages
Jan 12 13:12:45 PB-G4 kernel[0]: jnl: close: flushing the buffer cache (start 0x47d200 end 0x481400)
Jan 12 13:12:46 PB-G4 kernel[0]: USBF:	17759.524	AppleUSBOHCI[0x2582800] Processing WDH before suspending
Jan 12 13:12:46 PB-G4 configd[70]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 12 13:12:46 PB-G4 kernel[0]: IOUSBWorkLoop::closeGate - interrupt Thread being held off
Jan 12 13:12:46 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 12 13:12:46 PB-G4 configd[70]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: System SafeSleep
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: mapping_hibernate_flush start
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: mapping_hibernate_flush time: 176 ms
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall start
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: removed hash, pca: 2176 pages
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall time: 110 ms
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: pages 184150, wire 33584, act 21957, inact 53067, zf 25935, could discard act 15857 inact 33750
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall found pageCount 184150
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: IOHibernatePollerOpen, ml_get_interrupts_enabled 0
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: IOHibernatePollerOpen(0)
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: writing 184038 pages
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: image1Size 52834816
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: all time: 7212 ms, comp time: 2824 ms, deco time: 0 ms, 
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: image 249127936, uncompressed 541716480 (132255), compressed 248096928 (45%), sum1 463b4f9d, sum2 566e3443
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: hibernate_write_image done(0)
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: sleep
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::restartShutdownWL this is a wake from sleep
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: System Wake
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: Wake event 0008
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: sd-d a4 0101 c0fe
Jan 13 09:08:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 6a built-in: handleSelfIDInt - received quads == 0. issuing bus reset
Jan 13 09:08:53 PB-G4 kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
Jan 13 09:08:53 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[182]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 09:08:53 PB-G4 configd[70]: posting notification
Jan 13 09:08:53 PB-G4 configd[70]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 09:08:54 PB-G4 lookupd[23594]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 09:08:54 2008
Jan 13 09:08:55 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[23594]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 09:08:55 PB-G4 configd[70]: posting notification
Jan 13 09:08:55 PB-G4 lookupd[23596]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 09:08:55 2008
Jan 13 09:08:58 PB-G4 configd[70]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 09:10:31 PB-G4 GÖC>[192]: sleeptime recorded: Sat Jan 12 13:12:37 2008\n\n
Jan 13 09:10:31 PB-G4 GÖC>[192]: waketime is: Sun Jan 13 09:10:31 2008\n\n
Jan 13 09:10:44 PB-G4 loginwindow[103]: sendQuitEventToApp (Caps Warn Helper): AESendMessage returned error -609
Jan 13 09:10:55 PB-G4 shutdown: halt by alessandraalessandra: 
Jan 13 09:10:56 PB-G4 SystemStarter[24753]: lstat("/Library/StartupItems/NortonAutoProtect.kextcache/NortonAutoProtect.kextcache"): Not a directory
Jan 13 09:10:56 PB-G4 SystemStarter[24753]: "/Library/StartupItems/Tablet" failed security check: permissions
Jan 13 09:10:56 PB-G4 SystemStarter[24753]: G4FanControl (24764) did not complete successfully
Jan 13 09:10:56 PB-G4 SystemStarter[24753]: authentication service (24761) did not complete successfully
Jan 13 09:13:41 localhost kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
Jan 13 09:13:40 localhost lookupd[40]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 09:13:40 2008
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: vm_page_bootstrap: 381327 free pages
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: mig_table_max_displ = 70
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: 100 prelinked modules
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: using 3932 buffer headers and 3932 cluster IO buffer headers
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: IOPCCard info:   Intel PCIC probe:   TI 1510 rev 00
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: USB caused wake event (EHCI)
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Apple ID 6a built-in now active, GUID 001124ff fed54816; max speed s800.
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::probe: 
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::start before command
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: Security auditing service present
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: BSM auditing present
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: disabled
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 82C519EF-162B-357F-AE1B-DA81ED7DC612
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/MacRISC2PE/pci@f4000000/AppleMacRiscPCI/ata-6@D/AppleKauaiATA/ATADeviceNub@0/IOATABlockStorageDriver/IOATABlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/TOSHIBA MK8026GAX Media/IOApplePartitionScheme/Apple_HFS_Untitled_1@3
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s3, major 14, minor 2
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: CSRHIDTransitionDriver::stop
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: IOBluetoothHCIController::start Idle Timer Stopped
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: HFS: Removed 40 orphaned unlinked files
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: Jettisoning kernel linker.
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: Resetting IOCatalogue.
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 0
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: Matching service count = 1
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: PhantomAudioDevice[0x2901800]::initHardware(0x26c0e00)
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost kernel[0]: IPv6 packet filtering initialized, default to accept, logging disabled
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost mDNSResponder-108.6 (Jul 19 2007 11: 33:32)[32]: starting
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost memberd[41]: memberd starting up
Jan 13 09:13:42 localhost DirectoryService[52]: Launched version 2.1 (v353.6)
Jan 13 09:13:43 localhost kernel[0]: UniNEnet: Ethernet address 00:11:24:d5:48:16
Jan 13 09:13:43 localhost kernel[0]: AirPortPCI_MM: Ethernet address 00:14:51:7d:9c:13
Jan 13 09:13:43 localhost launchd: Server 3307 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[40]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 09:13:43 localhost diskarbitrationd[39]: disk0s3    hfs      82C519EF-162B-357F-AE1B-DA81ED7DC612 Macintosh HD            /
Jan 13 09:13:43 localhost lookupd[61]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 09:13:43 2008
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: Registering For 802.11 Events
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: [HCIController][setupHardware] AFH Is Supported
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothSCOAudioDevice][start] 0x2c94b00 (IOBluetoothServiceNub@0)
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothSCOAudioDevice][initHardware] 0x2c94b00
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothSCOAudioDevice][createAudioEngine]
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothSCOAudioEngine][init]
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothSCOAudioEngine][initHardware] 0x2cad200
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothSCOAudioEngine][pauseAudioEngine] - numActiveClients = 0 - state = 0 - pendingPowerState = 1
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothSCOAudioEngine][createAudioStreams] sampleBuffer = 0x1ab72000 (0x3c00 bytes)
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothSCOAudioEngine][initHardware] - done.
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothSCOAudioEngine][init]
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothSCOAudioEngine][initHardware] 0x2cad200
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothSCOAudioEngine][pauseAudioEngine] - numActiveClients = 0 - state = 0 - pendingPowerState = 1
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothSCOAudioEngine][createAudioStreams] sampleBuffer = 0x1ab76000 (0x3c00 bytes)
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothSCOAudioEngine][initHardware] - done.
Jan 13 09:13:45 localhost kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothSCOAudioDevice][registerForDeviceNotification]
Jan 13 09:13:46 localhost kernel[0]: ATY,Jasper_A: vram [b8000000:08000000]
Jan 13 09:13:46 localhost kernel[0]: ATY,Jasper_B: vram [b8000000:08000000]
Jan 13 09:13:46 localhost kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
Jan 13 09:13:46 localhost configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 09:13:46 PB-G4 configd[37]: setting hostname to "PB-G4.local"
Jan 13 09:13:46 PB-G4 /System/Library/CoreServices/ Login Window Application Started
Jan 13 09:13:47 PB-G4 loginwindow[68]: Login Window Started Security Agent
Jan 13 09:13:49 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[61]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 09:13:49 PB-G4 configd[37]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/enable-network
Jan 13 09:13:49 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 09:13:49 PB-G4 lookupd[79]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 09:13:49 2008
Jan 13 09:13:40 PB-G4 configd[37]:   target=enable-network: disabled
Jan 13 09:13:41 PB-G4 VersionCueCS2Daemon[158]: warning: VersionCueCS2Daemon not started by mach_init process (parent pid: 1)
Jan 13 09:13:41 PB-G4 VersionCueCS2Daemon[158]: VCEnvironmentSetCWD() failed to set CWD to '/Applications/Adobe Version Cue CS2' <2>
Jan 13 09:13:41 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/Library/StartupItems/AdobeVersionCueCS2/VersionCueCS2Daemon"[158]: exited with status: 1
Jan 13 09:13:41 PB-G4 mDNSResponder: Adding browse domain local.
Jan 13 09:13:42 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 09:13:48 PB-G4 TabletDriver[191]: ISO keyboard: ISO 
Jan 13 09:15:18 PB-G4 kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is down.
Jan 13 09:15:18 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 09:15:18 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 09:15:18 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 09:15:18 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 09:15:18 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 09:15:21 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[79]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 09:15:21 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 09:15:21 PB-G4 lookupd[234]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 09:15:21 2008
Jan 13 09:15:24 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 09:18:32 PB-G4 kernel[0]: m4e647fe4 236
Jan 13 09:18:32 PB-G4 kernel[0]: m4e647fe4 238
Jan 13 09:18:32 PB-G4 kernel[0]: m4e647fe4 245
Jan 13 09:18:32 PB-G4 kernel[0]: m4e647fe4 246
Jan 13 09:18:32 PB-G4 kernel[0]: m4e647fe4 243
Jan 13 09:25:50 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
Jan 13 09:25:50 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 09:25:50 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 09:25:50 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 09:25:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 09:25:51 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 09:25:56 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
Jan 13 09:25:57 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 09:25:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 09:25:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 09:25:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 09:25:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 09:26:02 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 09:26:03 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
Jan 13 09:26:03 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 09:26:03 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 09:26:04 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 09:26:04 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 09:26:09 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 09:37:06 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 09:37:06 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 09:37:06 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 09:37:06 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 09:37:10 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[234]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 09:37:10 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 09:37:11 PB-G4 lookupd[2632]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 09:37:11 2008
Jan 13 09:37:16 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 09:51:40 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 09:51:40 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 09:51:40 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 09:51:43 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[2632]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 09:51:43 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 09:51:43 PB-G4 lookupd[5257]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 09:51:43 2008
Jan 13 09:51:46 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 10:19:08 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 10:19:08 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 10:19:08 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 10:19:08 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 10:19:12 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 10:19:16 PB-G4 lookupd[7350]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 10:19:16 2008
Jan 13 10:19:18 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 10:21:22 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 10:21:22 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 10:21:22 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 10:21:25 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[7350]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 10:21:25 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 10:21:25 PB-G4 lookupd[7503]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 10:21:25 2008
Jan 13 10:21:28 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 10:22:04 PB-G4 ntpd[120]: sendto( Can't assign requested address
Jan 13 10:23:00 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 10:23:00 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 10:23:00 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 10:23:00 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 10:23:04 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[7503]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 10:23:04 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 10:23:09 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 10:23:10 PB-G4 lookupd[7730]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 10:23:10 2008
Jan 13 10:23:16 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 10:23:16 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 10:23:16 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 10:23:19 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[7730]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 10:23:19 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 10:23:19 PB-G4 lookupd[7752]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 10:23:19 2008
Jan 13 10:23:21 PB-G4 mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en1 (; delaying packets by 5 seconds
Jan 13 10:23:22 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 10:46:05 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 10:46:05 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 10:46:05 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 10:46:05 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 10:46:08 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 10:46:08 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 10:46:14 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 11:03:08 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 11:03:08 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 11:03:08 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 11:03:08 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 11:03:12 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[7752]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 11:03:12 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 11:03:15 PB-G4 lookupd[12828]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 11:03:15 2008
Jan 13 11:03:17 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 11:08:24 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 11:08:24 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 11:08:26 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[12828]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 11:08:27 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 11:08:27 PB-G4 lookupd[13495]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 11:08:27 2008
Jan 13 11:08:30 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 11:21:57 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 11:21:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 11:21:57 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 11:21:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 11:22:01 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 11:22:03 PB-G4 lookupd[15223]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 11:22:03 2008
Jan 13 11:22:06 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 11:23:17 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 11:23:17 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 11:23:20 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[15223]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 11:23:20 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 11:23:20 PB-G4 lookupd[15390]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 11:23:20 2008
Jan 13 11:23:23 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 11:24:57 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 11:24:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 11:24:57 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 11:24:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 11:25:01 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[15390]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 11:25:01 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 11:25:03 PB-G4 lookupd[15610]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 11:25:03 2008
Jan 13 11:25:06 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 11:26:17 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 11:26:17 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 11:26:20 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[15610]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 11:26:20 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 11:26:20 PB-G4 lookupd[15778]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 11:26:20 2008
Jan 13 11:26:23 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 11:27:57 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 11:27:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 11:27:57 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 11:27:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 11:28:01 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[15778]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 11:28:01 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 11:28:03 PB-G4 lookupd[15998]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 11:28:03 2008
Jan 13 11:28:06 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 11:28:17 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 11:28:17 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 11:28:20 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[15998]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 11:28:20 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 11:28:20 PB-G4 lookupd[16038]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 11:28:20 2008
Jan 13 11:28:22 PB-G4 mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en1 (; delaying packets by 5 seconds
Jan 13 11:28:23 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 11:45:57 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 11:45:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 11:45:57 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 11:45:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 11:46:01 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[16038]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 11:46:01 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 11:46:03 PB-G4 lookupd[18290]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 11:46:03 2008
Jan 13 11:46:06 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 11:55:08 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 11:55:08 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 11:55:08 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 11:55:13 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[18290]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 11:55:13 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 11:55:13 PB-G4 lookupd[19460]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 11:55:13 2008
Jan 13 11:55:14 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 12:04:02 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 12:04:02 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 12:04:02 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 12:04:02 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 12:04:06 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[19460]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 12:04:06 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 12:04:12 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 12:04:12 PB-G4 lookupd[20607]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 12:04:12 2008
Jan 13 12:04:17 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 12:04:17 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 12:04:20 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[20607]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 12:04:20 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 12:04:20 PB-G4 lookupd[20626]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 12:04:20 2008
Jan 13 12:04:22 PB-G4 mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en1 (; delaying packets by 5 seconds
Jan 13 12:04:23 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 12:45:11 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 12:45:11 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 12:45:11 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 12:45:11 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 12:45:15 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[20626]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 12:45:15 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 12:45:16 PB-G4 lookupd[25828]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 12:45:16 2008
Jan 13 12:45:22 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 12:46:17 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 12:46:17 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 12:46:20 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[25828]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 12:46:20 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 12:46:20 PB-G4 lookupd[25969]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 12:46:20 2008
Jan 13 12:46:23 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 13:03:25 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 13:03:25 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 13:03:25 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 13:03:25 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 13:03:29 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[25969]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 13:03:29 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 13:03:35 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 13:03:35 PB-G4 lookupd[28163]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 13:03:35 2008
Jan 13 13:20:52 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 13:20:52 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 13:20:52 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 13:20:54 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[28163]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 13:20:54 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 13:20:54 PB-G4 lookupd[643]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 13:20:54 2008
Jan 13 13:20:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 13:23:28 PB-G4 kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
Jan 13 13:23:28 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 13:23:28 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 13:23:28 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 13:23:28 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 13:23:32 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
Jan 13 13:23:32 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[643]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 13:23:32 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 13:23:36 PB-G4 lookupd[1694]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 13:23:36 2008
Jan 13 13:23:50 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup failed, status = 92 (retrying)
Jan 13 13:23:51 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 13:23:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 13:24:38 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[1694]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 13:24:38 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 13:24:38 PB-G4 lookupd[2121]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 13:24:38 2008
Jan 13 13:26:42 PB-G4 kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is down.
Jan 13 13:26:42 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 13:26:42 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 13:26:42 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 13:26:46 PB-G4 kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
Jan 13 13:26:46 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 13:26:52 PB-G4 kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is down.
Jan 13 13:26:52 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 13:26:52 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 13:26:52 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 13:26:54 PB-G4 kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is up at 100 Mbps - Full Duplex
Jan 13 13:26:54 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 13:26:59 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 13:27:52 PB-G4 mDNSResponder: mDNSPlatformSendUDP sendto failed to send packet on InterfaceID 01808600   en0/4 to skt 9 error -1 errno 65 (No route to host) 1865814377
Jan 13 13:28:07 PB-G4 kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is down.
Jan 13 13:28:07 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 13:28:07 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 13:28:07 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 13:28:11 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[2121]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 13:28:11 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 13:28:16 PB-G4 lookupd[3621]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 13:28:16 2008
Jan 13 13:28:46 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 13:28:46 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 13:28:51 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 13:28:52 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[3621]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 13:28:52 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 13:28:52 PB-G4 lookupd[3955]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 13:28:52 2008
Jan 13 13:28:57 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 13:28:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 13:28:57 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 13:29:01 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 13:29:03 PB-G4 mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface lo0 (; delaying packets by 5 seconds
Jan 13 13:29:07 PB-G4 lookupd[4058]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 13:29:07 2008
Jan 13 13:29:09 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 13:29:17 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 13:29:17 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 13:29:20 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[4058]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 13:29:20 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 13:29:20 PB-G4 lookupd[4077]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 13:29:20 2008
Jan 13 13:29:23 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 13:48:29 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 13:48:29 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 13:48:29 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 13:48:33 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[4077]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 13:48:33 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 13:48:36 PB-G4 lookupd[12758]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 13:48:36 2008
Jan 13 13:48:36 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 13:48:36 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 13:48:39 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[12758]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 13:48:39 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 13:48:39 PB-G4 lookupd[12763]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 13:48:39 2008
Jan 13 13:48:40 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
Jan 13 13:48:41 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 13:48:42 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 13:48:42 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 13:48:42 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 13:48:42 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 13:48:42 PB-G4 mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en1 (; delaying packets by 5 seconds
Jan 13 13:48:48 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 13:49:04 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 13:49:04 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 13:49:04 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 13:49:08 PB-G4 launchd: Server 4cb3 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[12763]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 13:49:08 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 13:49:10 PB-G4 mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface lo0 (; delaying packets by 5 seconds
Jan 13 13:49:14 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 13:49:15 PB-G4 lookupd[12824]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 13:49:15 2008
Jan 13 13:55:02 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 13:55:02 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 13:55:03 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 13:55:05 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 13:55:05 PB-G4 lookupd[15688]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 13:55:05 2008
Jan 13 13:55:08 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 14:20:27 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 14:20:27 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 14:20:27 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 14:20:31 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[15688]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 14:20:31 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 14:20:36 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 14:20:37 PB-G4 lookupd[28661]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 14:20:37 2008
Jan 13 14:41:22 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 14:41:22 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 14:41:22 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 14:41:28 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 14:41:28 PB-G4 lookupd[10340]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 14:41:28 2008
Jan 13 14:41:28 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 14:41:35 PB-G4 kernel[0]: in_delmulti - ignorning invalid inm (0x656e0058)
Jan 13 14:41:35 PB-G4 launchd: Server 4d37 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[10340]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 14:41:35 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 14:41:35 PB-G4 lookupd[10472]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 14:41:35 2008
Jan 13 14:43:32 PB-G4 sudo: alessandraalessandra : TTY=ttyp1 ; PWD=/Users/alessandraalessandra ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/sbin/dmesg
Jan 13 14:49:43 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
Jan 13 14:49:43 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 14:49:43 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 14:49:43 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[10472]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 14:49:43 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 14:49:46 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 14:49:46 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 14:49:46 PB-G4 lookupd[15158]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 14:49:46 2008
Jan 13 14:49:49 PB-G4 mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en1 (FE80:0000:0000:0000:0214:51FF:FE7D:9C13); delaying packets by 5 seconds
Jan 13 14:49:49 PB-G4 launchd: Server 1748b in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[15158]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 14:49:49 PB-G4 lookupd[15185]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 14:49:49 2008
Jan 13 14:49:49 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 14:49:49 PB-G4 launchd: Server 1748f in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[15185]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 14:49:49 PB-G4 lookupd[15186]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 14:49:49 2008
Jan 13 14:49:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
Jan 13 14:49:51 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "Alessandra's Power Mac G5" - 001124a7d49a - chan 1
Jan 13 14:49:51 PB-G4 mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en1 (; delaying packets by 5 seconds
Jan 13 14:49:52 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 14:49:52 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 14:49:52 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 14:49:52 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 14:49:52 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 14:49:52 PB-G4 lookupd[15231]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 14:49:52 2008
Jan 13 14:49:54 PB-G4 mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface lo0 (; delaying packets by 5 seconds
Jan 13 14:49:58 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 14:50:03 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 14:50:03 PB-G4 lookupd[15432]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 14:50:03 2008
Jan 13 14:50:04 PB-G4 kernel[0]: in_delmulti - ignorning invalid inm (0x656e00e0)
Jan 13 14:50:04 PB-G4 launchd: Server 1749b in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[15432]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 14:50:04 PB-G4 lookupd[15461]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 14:50:04 2008
Jan 13 14:50:04 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 14:50:04 PB-G4 launchd: Server 1749f in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[15461]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 14:50:04 PB-G4 lookupd[15462]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 14:50:04 2008
Jan 13 14:51:02 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 14:51:02 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 14:51:02 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 14:51:06 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[15462]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 14:51:06 PB-G4 lookupd[16058]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 14:51:06 2008
Jan 13 14:51:06 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 14:51:06 PB-G4 launchd: Server 4c07 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[16058]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 14:51:06 PB-G4 lookupd[16059]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 14:51:06 2008
Jan 13 14:51:20 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 14:51:25 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 14:51:25 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 14:51:29 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[16059]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 14:51:29 PB-G4 lookupd[16241]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 14:51:29 2008
Jan 13 14:51:29 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 14:51:29 PB-G4 launchd: Server 174b3 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[16241]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 14:51:29 PB-G4 lookupd[16242]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 14:51:29 2008
Jan 13 14:51:31 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 14:53:06 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 14:53:06 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 14:53:06 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 14:53:10 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[16242]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 14:53:10 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 14:53:16 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 14:53:16 PB-G4 lookupd[17263]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 14:53:16 2008
Jan 13 15:04:08 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 15:04:08 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 15:04:08 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 15:04:10 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[17263]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 15:04:10 PB-G4 lookupd[23974]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 15:04:10 2008
Jan 13 15:04:10 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 15:04:10 PB-G4 launchd: Server 174bf in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[23974]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 15:04:10 PB-G4 lookupd[23975]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 15:04:10 2008
Jan 13 15:04:13 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 15:05:41 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (Client disAssoc 0)
Jan 13 15:05:41 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 15:05:41 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 15:05:42 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "Alessandra's Power Mac G5" - 001124a7d49a - chan 1
Jan 13 15:05:42 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 15:05:42 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[23975]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 15:05:42 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 15:05:44 PB-G4 mDNSResponder: SendResponses: No active interface to send:   30 _afpovertcp._tcp.local. PTR PB G4._afpovertcp._tcp.local.
Jan 13 15:05:45 PB-G4 lookupd[24914]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 15:05:45 2008
Jan 13 15:05:47 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 15:05:52 PB-G4 launchd: Server 4c4b in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[24914]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 15:05:52 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 15:05:52 PB-G4 lookupd[24984]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 15:05:52 2008
Jan 13 15:05:54 PB-G4 kernel[0]: in_delmulti - ignorning invalid inm (0x656e0038)
Jan 13 15:05:54 PB-G4 launchd: Server 4c4f in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[24984]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 15:05:54 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 15:05:54 PB-G4 lookupd[25011]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 15:05:54 2008
Jan 13 15:09:33 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 15:09:33 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 15:09:33 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 15:09:37 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 15:09:37 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[25011]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 15:09:37 PB-G4 lookupd[27434]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 15:09:37 2008
Jan 13 15:10:12 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 15:10:12 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)
Jan 13 15:10:13 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort:  Link Active:  "Alessandra's Power Mac G5" - 001124a7d49a - chan 3
Jan 13 15:10:13 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 15:10:16 PB-G4 mDNSResponder: Repeated transitions for interface en1 (FE80:0000:0000:0000:0214:51FF:FE7D:9C13); delaying packets by 5 seconds
Jan 13 15:10:18 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 15:10:19 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[27434]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 15:10:19 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 15:10:19 PB-G4 lookupd[27770]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 15:10:19 2008
Jan 13 15:10:20 PB-G4 kernel[0]: in_delmulti - ignorning invalid inm (0x656e00a0)
Jan 13 15:10:20 PB-G4 launchd: Server 4c5b in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[27770]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 15:10:20 PB-G4 configd[37]: post

Inviato: dom, 13 gen 2008 20:40
da acqua
PS: ho notato che il system.log non è completo, ma ecco cosa ti volevo far vedere...

Login Window Application Started
Jan 13 20:03:06 localhost loginwindow[66]: Login Window Started Security Agent
Jan 13 20:03:10 localhost TabletDriver[80]: ISO keyboard: ISO
Jan 13 20:03:14 PB-G4 configd[37]: setting hostname to "PB-G4.local"
Jan 13 20:03:17 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Active: "belkin54g" - 0011500c974f - chan 9
Jan 13 20:03:17 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup
Jan 13 20:03:20 PB-G4 VersionCueCS2Daemon[155]: warning: VersionCueCS2Daemon not started by mach_init process (parent pid: 1)
Jan 13 20:03:20 PB-G4 VersionCueCS2Daemon[155]: VCEnvironmentSetCWD() failed to set CWD to '/Applications/Adobe Version Cue CS2' <2>
Jan 13 20:03:20 PB-G4 configd[37]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/enable-network
Jan 13 20:03:20 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 20:03:20 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[62]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 20:03:20 PB-G4 lookupd[158]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 20:03:20 2008
Jan 13 20:03:23 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk startup complete
Jan 13 20:03:26 PB-G4 configd[37]: target=enable-network: disabled
Jan 13 20:29:49 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link DOWN (AP deAuth 0)
Jan 13 20:29:49 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown
Jan 13 20:29:49 PB-G4 configd[37]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
Jan 13 20:29:49 PB-G4 /usr/sbin/AppleFileServer: AFPServer::AbnormalATListenerShutDown - clear listener
Jan 13 20:29:53 PB-G4 launchd: Server 0 in bootstrap 1103 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd"[158]: exited abnormally: Hangup
Jan 13 20:29:53 PB-G4 configd[37]: posting notification
Jan 13 20:29:53 PB-G4 lookupd[1386]: lookupd (version 369.5) starting - Sun Jan 13 20:29:53 2008
Jan 13 20:29:59 PB-G4 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link DOWN (out-of-range 0)

Cmq non ci perdere troppo tempo... io sono abbastanza rassegnata!

Inviato: dom, 13 gen 2008 21:08
da dovellas
fab71 ha scritto:
acqua ha scritto:Ciao Fab71,

grazie del tuo intervento.

Eccoti un po' di ulteriori fatti.
Bene bene... tutti problemi che ho avuto anche io negli ultimi mesi ma poi ho risolto completamente...

Allora fai le seguenti prove:

1) Prova a cambiare canale di trasmissione al router: passa all'estremo opposto (es se è 10 metti 1, se è 6 metti 1 o 10/11 etc. etc)

2) Ci sono cordless/forni a microonde nel tuo appartamento?

3) Ci sono molte rete wireless dove abiti?

Ti garantisco che il PB non ha alcun problema (è vero che è molto sensibile perchè ha il case in alluminio) ma c'è qualcosa nell'ambiente circostante che accentua maggiormente questa sua "debolezza".
Non credo che tu abbia un problema all'airport, altrimenti avresti dovuto avere anche dei kernel panic (considera che le antenne sono si soggette ad usura, ma ci vorrebbero tanttissimi anni di trasmissione continua x "deteriorarne" il funzionamento...)

posso intervenire io con una cavolata?
molti utenti Vista si lamentano dello stesso problema, e li la questione si risolve subito cosi

usate una chiave WPA e non chiave wep,
i canali Europa sono 1-13

tentare non nuoce.

Inviato: lun, 14 gen 2008 13:19
da predatorfe
acqua ha scritto:No, nessuna protezione. Come ti ho detto sono isolata in campagna e ho lasciato il network accessibile...

Inviato: lun, 14 gen 2008 14:05
da dovellas
Predatorfe ha scritto:
acqua ha scritto:No, nessuna protezione. Come ti ho detto sono isolata in campagna e ho lasciato il network accessibile...
Beh su Vista il problema era proprio questo

quindi bisognava proteggerlo in WPA oppure rendere una rete pubblica dal router.

che costa provare??